The Complete Guide to Web3 Business Communication
This guide outlines how web3 businesses can adopt a web3-native communication strategy that is simple, private and wallet-to-wallet.

The Problem with Web3 Business Communication Today

Operating as a web3 business should feel easier than a web2 business, given the transparency and efficiency of blockchain technology. But it doesn't. Today web3 businesses cannot communicate directly and privately with their customers and team members, using what matters most to web3 life, their wallets. Operations become a mix of disconnected web2 workarounds and frenetic web3 onchain activities.  

Day-to-day this means web3 businesses have to work ten times harder to reach their target audience through the noise of social and community channels. For example, when an outage happens or a technical issue, businesses must often relay this information on a social channel, where people are not necessarily checking the timeline enough to see the post.  How do you connect meaningfully with your customers when algorithms prioritizing breaking news stands in the way?

Web3 Businesses rely on Web2 Channels to Communicate

The reliance on traditional channels poses a privacy risk for many customers and forces community managers to have to constantly check and re-check what they’re sending out and who they’re sending to. Does that social profile really belong to that .eth? Is that account real?  

The absence of secure, direct communication infrastructure for blockchain addresses and web3 identities limits user engagement, privacy and ability to coordinate, impacting every web3 process and the overall communication flow. Business teams lack the automation tools and security guarantees to engage with their communities.

The Solution to Web3 Business Communication

Web3 starts with a wallet, and so should Web3 business communications. Web3 businesses need web3-native communication that works alongside all chains and can reach multiple wallets. Any  web3-native communication protocol needs to respect the foundational "privacy by default" principle that web3 communities are built upon, and work for anyone.  

Wallet-Based Messaging for Web3 Businesses

The Mailchain protocol enables 1:1 or direct messaging with wallets.

Mailchain’s protocol addresses all of these challenges. Mailchain's novel account structure and web3 inbox enables end-to-end encrypted, verifiable communication between any web3 identities or blockchain addresses using standard HTML email formats. Mailchain has been able to solve challenges that were previously unsolved, including multi-protocol messaging and being able to unify communications for users without loss of privacy.  

The Mailchain protocol enables wallet-to-wallet group messaging.

Web3 business communication requires mass engagement. As a web3 business grows, it needs to communicate with any number of wallets across any chain. Cross-chain expansion should not hold it back from communicating with its customer base.  

With Mailchain, web3 customers can manage communications across all of their identities, across all protocols in one unified place without compromising their security. Today, it supports Ethereum and other EVM networks and other  major chain, including Tezos, Solana and NEAR protocols.  

The Mailchain protocol was designed to scale and serve billions of users, each with multiple wallets.

Most web3 users have between 3-5 wallets, and many frequently use up to 10 wallets to interact with blockchains. Because Mailchain's web3 inbox is multi-wallet, users can have as many wallets as they want registered to their Mailchain account. This means they can receive and manage their information in one place, instead of having to open up different inboxes for each, individual wallet address. Each user gets an organized place, a web3 inbox, to hold the most important updates of their web3 life with the peace of mind knowing their account identities are private and nobody else can establish which wallets are linked.

The Mailchain protocol was designed to be private by default.

Mailchain’s approach to design balances good user experience from Web2, reducing barriers to entry to Web3, with built-in user privacy and full end-to-end encryption features. From a user’s first encounter with Mailchain, each interaction has been built to feel familiar and intuitive, yet behind the scenes great care has been taken to ensure users retain ownership of their account and data.

No account or message data is ever seen by Mailchain.  

To accomplish this, a secret recovery phrase is used to derive a user’s set of public/private keypairs responsible for separate protocol functions. These keypairs include an identity key, a root messaging key, and any number of other keys for account level functions. These functions run independently of the protocol, giving users full autonomy over their data and identity without relying on the protocol or any other party. All the encryption and decryption happens on the client side.

Mailchain also maintains separation between wallet addresses at the protocol level, so although a user’s addresses are transparent to them, and anyone can verify the cryptographic proofs establishing control of the address, nobody can identity relationships, not even Mailchain. This upholds privacy and ensures Web3 users can communicate wallet-to-wallet, identity-to-identity, with certainty that the intended recipient is the account owner.

Incorporate Web3 Identity into A Web3 Business Communication Strategy with Mailchain

Wallet addresses are long and painful to read and verify. If one letter or number is wrong, the transaction is wrong.  Web3 identities, or domains, such as ENS (.eth), Tezos (.tez), Lens (.lens), Unstoppable (.x) enable users to give a name to their wallet address that makes it easier to remember/ type out and is also a form of personal expression.  

These web3 identities and the personality that they bring are what makes wallet-based experiences more human, exciting and relevant. Businesses should incorporate these identities into their growth strategy, starting with communication that is built around them. Mailchain enables businesses to do this easily, with native support for major web3 identities in the protocol. Using Mailchain, businesses can choose to communicate with wallet addresses or their preferred web3 domains.  

Web3 Video Conferencing for Business Communication

Video conferencing is a big part of business activities. Video meetings to add emotional context between colleagues and customers, and retain an “In Real Life” connection with the people we  interact with remotely. When we log into our traditional work emails each day, we often don’t just check our email. We check our calendar and make sure we’ve accepted invites to the latest meeting.  

With Mailchain, businesses now have a web3 communications protocol , a web3 inbox, with web3 video calling functionality, to create, schedule and receive web3-native video conferences with Huddle01 using Mailchain which enables web3 identities to communicate securely and natively. Together, Huddle01 and Mailchain open up the doors for developers to build full-stack communication solutions, such as web3-native customer support systems, communication platforms and business operational systems.

What Web3 Customers Want from Web3 Business Communication

Customers want to get notified directly when important activity happens related to their wallet address, without an algorithm or noisy community channel standing in their way. Users can receive event-driven updates, personalized content, and using as many wallets as they want to receive as much information as they want, from their web3 inboxes.  

Building Web3-Native Communication Tools for Your Business

Mailchain makes web3 business communication a reality, offering a free, open source SDK to developers so they can create communication tools or integrate flows that work best for their business. Mailchain's user-friendly features and privacy-first approach make it the best fit for businesses integrating into the web3 ecosystem.

Easy Integration for Developers

For developers looking to integrate web3 business communication into their applications, Mailchain's SDK handles the complexity and simplifies the process. Incorporate Mailchain into existing platforms using these tutorials.

Targeted Notifications via Smart Contract

Mailchain enables businesses to create a mailing list using just their smart contract address. Teams can segment wallet addresses based upon onchain activity and send personalized content and exclusive offers to specific groups. See the use case demonstrated by below.

Direct Messaging for Community Building

Web3 communities love casual conversation. Building and integrating direct messaging into decentralized applications (Dapps) is made easy with Mailchain and encourages community and connection between people. Build the DM application you want on the Mailchain protocol, and leverage Mailchain’s multichain verified registry ensures that users are communicating with the correct wallet addresses.

Coordination for Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management and coordination is made much more transparent with blockchain-based track-and-trace solutions. With Mailchain, businesses can go beyond monitoring and tracking their supply chains, and trigger communication to notify stakeholders of important events. Mailchain can be used to share critical information like production schedules, contract deadlines and delivery notifications using onchain or offchain event triggers.  

Verified Support Channels for Trusted Communication

People in web3 are wary of insecure support channels because they have often been used by bad actors to exploit customers. Build a trusted reputation with web3 customers by establishing a verified support channel for all web3 business communication. With the Mailchain protocol, organizations can leverage the verified Mailchain registry of wallet addresses for all major chains, to ensure wallet authenticity.

Build on a Web3 Communications Protocol

With Mailchain, businesses aren’t bound to one chain. They can communicate with them all. With Mailchain, businesses aren’t bound to one wallet. Users can have many and use them all to communicate.


Web3 businesses are ahead of the game as they have already incorporated web3 identities into their growth strategy. With Mailchain, these businesses now have direct, private communication with their target audience, customers and colleagues. The way forward for web3 businesses is simple, private, wallet-to-wallet web3 communication.

Are you a web3 company looking to improve your business communication?
Let's talk about how Mailchain can fit into what you're building. Reach out to our team here.
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